Sunday, October 28, 2018

Entry 6 Mental Health

10/26/18                     Mental Health

Today I am going talk about mental health and how it is important to have awareness when it comes to mental health.

When people hear the words mental health they automatically  assume that it is all in your head. When that is not the case at all.

Mental health is caused by chemical imbalance to the brain that includes all mental health disorders rather you have depression, anxiety, anxiety attacks or panic attacks, bipolar and so on.

It doesn't even matter what age you are or if you are male or female, anyone can experience mental health at anytime. People can experience mental health for a short period time in their life. Others can experience it for many years or off and on for many years.

       This is what people think when they picture a person with a  mental health disorder.

This what some people with a mental health disorder act like, all happy when they are around people because, they put on a mask, they want to feel happy too and not feel miserable.

A lot of people don't realized this but, when you are experiencing mental health, the chemical imbalance in your brain will effect the imbalance to your body which will cause all these physical  symptoms to your body. 

When people experience all these physical imbalance symptoms from mental health a lot people will think there is something medically wrong with them. They think they need to go to the doctors or to the hospital a bunch of times. They also believe that they are dying and will look up their symptoms on google.

Here are some physical imbalance symptoms for depression, stress and anxiety. Throwing up almost everyday, headaches off and on through out the day. Not having energy to do anything, even if you get a goodnights sleep. Lack of appetite, pain through out your body, spams even twitching or tingling on your face, ears, legs and so on. You feel like you can't breath at times. Have a hard time sleeping or can't sleep. You feel like you don't want to go anywhere such as school,work or hang out with friends.

Some of the symptoms for a mild anxiety attack may be 
crying, feel like you can't breath or shaking throughout your hold body. Feel like you can't think straight, tingling feeling on your face or other part of your body and like you want to throw up.

Some symptoms for a severe anxiety attack may be having a tingling feeling through out your whole body, feel like you can't breathe or breathing very heavily. Your heart is beating very fast and feel like you are going to pass out.You can also get an anxiety attack while you are asleep, as well.

Just because you suffer from a mental health disorder doesn't mean you should give up on your goals or dreams in life. You shouldn't let your mental health disorder ruin your life.

There is always help and treatment if you suffer from mental health.

 Here is a young teenage girl getting help for her mental health disorder.

Here are some treatments and help for mental health. Medication, therapy, exercising, yoga, and deep breathing. 

I also watch this youtuber called the anxiety guy. He gives some good tips and advice for people that suffer from anxiety.

I also have tried stress relief tea for a good night sleep and it works great. I have heard of the product Natural calm from amazon. I haven't tried it myself yet but, it suppose to help you if you suffer from depression or anxiety. 

I  just wanted to let you know that you are never alone. There are so many people that are going through mental health in America. You too, will get over this hump, it takes time it may take months or years. But don't ever give up. If you are dealing with mental health you will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Remember we are unique, different and special in our own unique way, I love you all, see you next time💚💚💚💚

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Kayley! I think mental health awareness is very important to our society! I myself sometimes suffer from anxiety related to work and school. I have found that it helps me feel better when I am somewhere quiet in the outdoors. Under a shade tree, or swimming in my pool makes me feel tons better.
